Saturday Centus – week 4

Here’s my entry for the fourth week of Saturday Centus. The prompt is set in bold. And it consists of exactly one hundred words.

Last week my father invited me to go to a museum. I’m not really into museums but I had been in this one before. A collection of Art Brut. Nonetheless, I decided to accompany him and show him my favourite piece of art.
As soon as we got into the exhibition, he disappeared.

“May I help you, miss? You look puzzled.” The woman behind the counter looked concerned.

“Mmmm… thank you, I’m just looking for my father. We came in together a moment ago, but he seems to have wandered off.”

And suddenly I knew where I would find him.

4 thoughts on “Saturday Centus – week 4

  1. Die Geschichte gefällt mir sehr!
    Irgendwie finde ich sie unheimlich, die letzte Zeile (auch wenn sie vielleicht nicht so gemeint war) macht mir eine Gänsehaut.
    Cool. :)

  2. Wow. First of all welcome to SC! Really awesome to see you here.

    Your link wouldn’t connect for me and a few others so I fixed it. Don’t want anyone to miss visiting you. This is what I ended up pasting in the bottom rectangle:

    I got this by clicking on the title of the post and then copying it.

    This was a wonderful and different use of the prompt! I really enjoyed your writing style.

    • Thank you very much for your help, I realised the link wasn’t working but couldn’t change it and didn’t want to spam around by putting in another linky…
      And thank you for your nice comment! :)

  3. That’s what I’m talking about ! :P lol that was great . I like museums too and it’s hard to look at things that may be of interest to you when the other one isn’t, while they are tagging along. Great use of the prompt!

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