saturday ramblings.

{big warm hugs to Angie®}

right. I’m in strange mood and in a strange state of mind.
I want to go out and do stuff, buy stuff, old books mainly, to scan the fonts and use them to create stuff, I want a new table but I have nowhere to put it, I want silver boots but I can’t find such a thing  round here and for fuck’s sake, I want to be thinner but I can’t buy that anywhere and that annoys the hell out of me.
One minute I think I need a new computer to play all the fancy computer games on, the next minute I remember that 1) I get all sick and headachy when I play computer games and 2) I have no money to buy a really good computer.
One minute I think I need a remote control thing for my DSLR camera to make better photos, the next minute I know that my photos suck anyway and that I don’t need such a thing.
This remote control only costs 30 Francs by the way, so that is not a problem of not having enough money. This is just a problem of me not being able to decide WHAT I FUCKING WANT. ganzer Eintrag // read more

Another strange dream

I seem to dream rather … Unreal stuff these days.
Last night I dreamt I was sleeping in a room in a house quite similar to the one I actually live in.
The window was open, there were trees outside an suddenly I heard a
loud sound. A panda climbed through the window into my room and
seemed to get angry when the door to the living room wasn’t open…
I got up and opened the door as well as the door in the living room
leading to the garden while the panda pursued me and bit my shoulder
which – surprisingly – didn’t hurt. ganzer Eintrag // read more